How We Help Our Clients Thrive

Long-Term Health Care Planning

A simple, comprehensive long-term health care (LTHC) plan helps protect your assets from the high costs of LTHC, offers guarantees (policy-provided) that can help you pass assets to your family, favorite charity, or church, and can help relieve the financial burden of care on your family members. A solid LTHC plan is vital to the health of your overall retirement plan.

Costs for long-term care can be expensive. Paying these costs out of your own pocket could devastate a lifetime of savings in a matter of years. We provide our clients with comprehensive and sensible plans that add strength and synergy to their overall retirement plan. The U.S. General Accounting Office believes Americans over age 65 have a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care service in their retirement.1 Are you prepared?


Education is a key component to your success in retirement. Read our complimentary guide on long-term care insurance planning. Fill out the information below to receive your COMPLIMENTARY download of our LTCI Blueprint.